August arrives demanding more than we have to give, asking us to be both fully present in the remaining days of summer while optimistically productive in preparation for the next season to come.
August has the feel of a month living simultaneously in two seasons. It is a month that holds both summer and a brand new school year.
August is a month that asks us to make the most of every last lazy summer day. But, it also pushes us to add much to our calendar as we adjust rhythms and routines for a new season.
August is a month that still holds the heat of summer days, yet scattered throughout are glimpses of the cooler fall weather yet to arrive.
August says, savor summer flavors as grocery stores and farmer markets remain full of sweet corn, watermelon, and vine-ripe tomatoes.
August also says, welcome fall with apple cider and pumpkin-scented candles that arrive on display at the stores and aisles of school supplies that remind us summer is at its end.
As we enter a month that holds both the final days of summer and the beginning of a new school year, I sit wishing I had eloquent words of wisdom to share. Or perhaps recommendations to help navigate the pull to rush ahead into the fall season as the school year begins. Or advice on handling the longing to hold on tight to every last moment of lazy summer days we can muster.
The reality is that I have no answers, only questions. For each year, I find myself in this same place. It is a place of longing to live well in the present while desiring to prepare for the next season.
So I pause.
I pause, recognizing I can not share with you what I have not yet fully grasped. I can only share the questions I am asking myself in this month of transition.
What matters most for today?
Where do I need to be fully present?
What one thing can I do to help prepare for tomorrow? Knowing one thing is enough.
And, I remember.
I remember that completed task lists do not make a beautiful life. Instead, a beautiful life comes from many ordinary and extraordinary everyday moments.
So as the calendar fills and the task list continues to grow, I remind myself that what matters most for today is presence over productivity.

If you like me are looking for beauty in this month jumbled up with lazy summer days, apple cider scents, and sharpened pencils, might I recommend you:
Listen: Emily Freeman gives a beautiful description of the summer months in her latest podcast, A late summer reflection.
Read: Jennifer Dukes Lee does a beautiful job of reminding us of the value of each season in her book Growing Slow. A great book to pick up as we prepare to enter a new season.
Or perhaps, you are inspired by the fall decor and scents on display at the stores, just waiting for the kids to get back in school so you can justify resetting your home decor for the next season. Might I recommend some inspiration from Welcome Home by Myquillan Smith?