How To Change The World Without Leaving Your Home – The Advocate.

An advocate, defined as a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy, is something I’ve never considered myself. I am slow to speak publically on causes. I’m not particularly eager to get into messy debates, and while I am not passive or unopinionated in person, I preferred the role of peacemaker….

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Is there something to be learned from the schedule of a 1950s housewife?

There was a season in my life where I loved watching old movies—especially drawn to the elegance of the 1950’s fashion and films like Breakfast at Tiffanies, Sabrina and Roman Holiday with actress Audrey Hepburn.  While a house full of boys doesn’t lend itself to frequently watching old romantic movies, to this day, my favorite…

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Grief, The Story That Never Ends Only Changes With Time.

January is more than just the beginning of a new year for me; it brings with it the anniversary of my journey with Multiple Sclerosis. This journey with Chronic Illness now traveled for two years. While some anniversaries (such as my wedding anniversary, which also falls in January) cause celebration, others bring up deep grief….

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A Perspective Of No More, No Less

Many people would already consider my home to be minimalists. Books like The Cozy Minimalist from @thenester speak my love language. But the truth is, we aren’t minimalists by true definition. Instead, we are good at organizing and hiding our stuff. Like many people, we have closets and drawers filled with more things than we…

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How To Plan Ahead And Still Live Well Today.

In December, I began to journal through Katy Epling’s devotional book Life on Purpose. While Advent was a focus for the holiday season, I also wanted to set my heart in the right direction for the new year. On day sixteen, Katy says, “Live the season God has you in, and keep planning for what’s…

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