Living Out The Advent Season: Active Hope

It is almost December, and the Christmas season approaches.  While some people celebrate birthdays only on a single day, the actual day of birth, others I know love to celebrate for the entire birth month.  The word Advent means the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event. In various Church traditions, Advent is celebrated…

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Four Things Generous People Have In Common

There is so much need in this world, and it feels heavy. A weight that far exceeds our capacity to meet. Requests and opportunities for support, many from important causes, fill our mailboxes and inboxes. How do we live generously, especially when we are struggling to keep our heads above water? As we journey towards…

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Practical Ways We can Practice Thanks As An Outpouring Of Gratitude.

Over time thank you can become a polite habit, a scripted response. Often the words thankful and grateful are used interchangeably. And in many ways, they represent the same idea. Yet these words are not the same; there is a subtle difference. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, thanks is an expression of gratitude, and gratitude…

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Practicing Gratitude In The Everyday Ordinary.

November can be the beginning of the crazy holiday chaos and most busy (sometimes wonderful) time of the year. Planning for family gatherings, shopping, lots of shopping, baking, special events, and more. It can be beautiful and fun but also life draining and chaotic. We can easily fall into the commercial ideology of more is…

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How Chronic Illness is teaching me the value of working from the inside out?

Living with a chronic debilitating disease like Multiple Sclerosis tends to lend itself to, what if, kind of thinking. With unknowns around how my body will change due to its progression and nothing to show that one treatment course will work, a lot is trial and error. Some disease-modifying therapies work for some patients while…

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