Beautiful Memories Etched In My Heart

Tears stream hot down my cheeks as unrecognized emotions pulse through my body. It’s been a beautiful day. Why all these crazy feelings?Emily P. Freeman once said something about how she doesn’t always know what she thinks until she’s written it down. And so, I sneak off to a quiet space, and I begin to…

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Changing The World From The Inside Out.

As someone who enjoys checking off items from the task list and marking off accomplishments in a planner, I have found myself in need of a serious shift in mindset. After years of measuring my worth, my value, based on what I do, I now find myself in a place that doing all the things…

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Finding Calm in the Chaos of Transition

Do you find yourself in the midst of yet another transition? This week we say goodbye to another school year and hello to summer. While there is much celebration over having survived this past school year, I have to be honest, transitions between school year and summer can be challenging, especially for those who thrive…

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