Why I’ve decided not to make new years resolutions until spring?

Have you ever wondered why in the heart of winter, we feel the need to make resolutions? In all my reading and reflection on living in rhythm with seasons, winter seems like a season that invites us into rest and preparation. So why do we expect ourselves to begin new things in a season of…

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Advent – An Invitation to a Joyful Life


A regular rhythm of practicing gratitude invites us to live a joyful life, regardless of circumstances. Joy Marker Eucharisteo, a Greek word that I have been sitting with a lot lately, a word that means thanksgiving but also includes the derivative Chara, the Greek word for joy. In this season where joy can feel challenging…

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Generosity a Function of the Heart.


For years, I found myself frustrated, even sometimes angry, when unexpected expenses came in and messed with my neatly laid out plans. As a planner (and former banker), I wanted to pride myself on being financially responsible, but medical bills, rising costs of everyday necessities, and raising kids kept throwing the budget out of alignment….

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