Practicing Gratitude In The Everyday Ordinary.

November can be the beginning of the crazy holiday chaos and most busy (sometimes wonderful) time of the year. Planning for family gatherings, shopping, lots of shopping, baking, special events, and more. It can be beautiful and fun but also life draining and chaotic. We can easily fall into the commercial ideology of more is…

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Considering All Five Senses As We Reset For A New Season

Memories are made in the small moments as much as the significant events. Recently, on The Next Right thing podcast, Emily P Freeman began a journey with us of “discovering better decision-making habits by engaging our bodies, particularly our five senses.” As I’ve been resetting our home for the fall season, I have reflected on…

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Why is it important to show ourselves kindness and grace?

The words Kindness and Grace keep popping up, over and over, in my reading and podcast listening. Most of us understand that we need to show kindness and grace to others, especially now in this pandemic life, in the turmoil of political and racial division. The context of kindness and grace that keeps showing up…

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A Prayer For When You Can’t Find Your Own Words.

Every Moment HolyMeet me, O Christ, in this stillness of morning.Move me, O Spirit, to quiet my heart.Mend me, O Father, from yesterday’s harm.From the discords of yesterday, resurrect my peace.From the discouragement of yesterday, resurrect my hope.From the weariness of yesterday, resurrect my strength.From the doubts of yesterday, resurrect my faith.From the wounds of…

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