How often do we skim along the surface of life, accelerating and covering great distances, but never stopping to appreciate the beauty God has placed before us?

Ann VosKamp

When we are not living fully present today when we are focused on what needs to be done or wishing for the next chapter of our lives, we are skimming along our lives’ surface. We might cover great distances, accomplish many things, and have stories to tell. But if we never stop to appreciate what is right before us, what have we missed?

There are seasons in life that I look back and recognize missed opportunities. In seasons of waiting, longing for life to be something more or transitions, I have failed to live fully in that season. I have accelerated through life, in an attempt to get where I thought I should be, not embracing where I was. I have wished for life to be different. Adopted a busy calendar and committed to more than I should out of obligation or the need to find value or worth in what I do. In seasons, I have skimmed the surface of this life, failing to appreciate the beauty God has placed before us.

Do you recognize the seasons that you have accelerated and covered great distances but maybe missed living fully?

In this pandemic life, are you focused on when this is over rather than stopping to appreciate the beauty that is?

It is difficult to find beauty in hard seasons. We have grieved much in pandemic life. Yet there is beauty to be found. When we live fully present today, when we stop and pay attention, we can see the beauty around us. Maybe it’s a pigeon that sits on the driveway. Or a flower opening it’s petals as it drinks in the morning dew. Perhaps it’s the late afternoon snuggles and cartoon watching with your little ones. Or the smell of freshly baked cookies right out of the oven. Beauty is all around us, even in the hardest of seasons.

Today lets create space to pause, to reflect, to notice the beauty that is around us. To embrace the simple moments and appreciate what is, not accelerate to what we wish it would be.

Stop and consider the wondrous works of God. Job 37:14

Job 37:14 (ESV)