Why is it important to show ourselves kindness and grace?

The words Kindness and Grace keep popping up, over and over, in my reading and podcast listening. Most of us understand that we need to show kindness and grace to others, especially now in this pandemic life, in the turmoil of political and racial division. The context of kindness and grace that keeps showing up…

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A Prayer For When You Can’t Find Your Own Words.

Every Moment HolyMeet me, O Christ, in this stillness of morning.Move me, O Spirit, to quiet my heart.Mend me, O Father, from yesterday’s harm.From the discords of yesterday, resurrect my peace.From the discouragement of yesterday, resurrect my hope.From the weariness of yesterday, resurrect my strength.From the doubts of yesterday, resurrect my faith.From the wounds of…

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What is it in the normal everyday routine of pandemic life that is feeding your soul?

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself questions, maybe reflect on where you are at personally? When do you feel most fully alive?  What is it that you do that feeds your soul? Life happens and it happens fast.  At times we are encouraged to think about the future, create vision boards, ask what it…

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