Why do we need to be intentional about rest even if life is less busy right now?

We have been home for the past six months and still, life feels as busy as ever. How can our calendar be almost completely void of activity and yet our lives feel overwhelming busy at the same time? In an article at Psychology Today by Lissa Rankin M.D. she talks about our cultures addiction to…

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What is it in the normal everyday routine of pandemic life that is feeding your soul?

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself questions, maybe reflect on where you are at personally? When do you feel most fully alive?  What is it that you do that feeds your soul? Life happens and it happens fast.  At times we are encouraged to think about the future, create vision boards, ask what it…

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Fear and Brave can co-exist

“Bravery is moving Scared” Rebekah Lyons Over the years as I’ve taken various personality assessments or social style evaluations I’ve frequently been seen as having a split personality. Apparently a highly task driven individual(that’s me) is not meant to also be highly people-focused (me also). I have been told they aren’t generally compatible with one…

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Reading Reflections – chasing vines.

My son commented last night on the stack of books by my bed.  He announced I had too many books in my pile. Crazy kid. Is it even possible to have too many books? Now that the library is allowing you to pick up books you’ve placed on hold I’ve got a stack of reading. …

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