There is no “I’ve arrived ” destination were life all of a sudden becomes easy. Most of us come to a place where we realize we are on a life journey, ever-changing.

In our youth, we believe ourselves to know much more than we actually do. We are full of adventurous spirits, eager minds, and ready to take on the world.

In my early career years, I remember wondering why everyone at the table seemingly rolled their eyes at my many wonderful suggestions for process improvement. It felt as if they were simply too lazy to make things better. Now I know, they were just exhausted. They’d traveled that road a few times before me.

Eventually, real adulting hits and you discover how exhaustingly difficult life can be.

At some point, you realize life doesn’t always go according to plan. As a person who likes to plan, know the plan, and make plans, this has been a hard reality for me to process.

In fact, I’ve spent years fighting to maintain some semblance of control in my life. Each roadblock or unexpected situation I’ve tackled full-on. Seeing it as an obstacle to overcome all the while holding on tight to what little control I may have. Adjusting my plans and moving forward. Somehow failing to understand the reality that I am actually in control of very little.

As I look back I realize they were not without meaning. Disclaimer, this is not a blanket statement of everything that happens is for a reason or that every bad thing is for our ultimate good. Life is not always fair and there will not always be an answer to the “why”. After enough time has passed on the other side of painful, hard journeys, I can find ways those situations have helped me to grow and improve. Many of the adventures, I’d not wish for or ask for anyone else, yet having lived them (or living them) I can see the value. Each one preparing me, teaching me, and slowly helping me to open up the tight grip I hold, attempting to control life.

Random Reflection is a space created to share ordinary everyday life moments in a way that provides encouragement and hope for you along the way. I invite you to subscribe so we can travel together through the unexpected, everyday ordinary moments of life.