Thanksgiving or gratitude are words commonly used throughout the season of Fall, especially in November. And then easily discarded, our focus moving toward hope, peace, and joy in a new season.

Yet, gratitude is a concept best woven into our daily rhythms beyond one season. Thanksgiving is a word that might actually lead us on a path toward joy.

Eucharisteo, a Greek word, is a word that means thanksgiving but also includes the derivative Chara, the Greek word for joy. Might we consider the possibility that “the feeling of joy begins with the action of thanksgiving.” (Ann Voskamp)

The art of deep seeing makes gratitude possible. And it is the art of gratitude that makes joy possible. Isn’t joy the art of God?

Ann Voskamp.

Joy, a more substantial and less common feeling than just happiness, is found regardless of circumstances. Real joy is often found in the unexpected when we stop striving and instead embrace the gifts as they come to us.

Look at our world, consider the challenges of daily life, and joy can feel difficult to find. Yet, what if we started small? What if we focused on finding joy in the small ordinary things and, in doing so, found an invitation into a life that feels large? A joyful life.

Advent reminds us that a regular rhythm of practicing gratitude invites us to live a joyful life, regardless of circumstances.


Questions for Reflection:
Have you felt the tension of living with grief and desiring joy this season?
How can practicing gratitude helps you discover real joy?
Considering others, how might an outward focus help provide a sense of joy and also share that joy with others?

A Prayer:
Father, In this world, there are many troubles, yet we ask that you let our hearts not carry the weight of this world.

Let us look to the birds in the sky and the lilies in the fields with gratitude, remembering how you care for everything and everyone.

Help us to weave a practice of gratitude into our ordinary days, and in doing so, find the unexpected gifts of joy you give.

Give us listening ears,
Noticing eyes,
Compassionate hearts,
Open hands,
So that we might find joy and carry that joy to others in our ordinary days.

May we know the joy that comes from you, a joy complete, and share that joy with the world.


May the God of hope fill us with all joy and peace as we live fully present in this season of anticipation. May we overflow with love, knowing we are so very loved.