So Now What?

It is the beginning of our first week of summer vacation. As the excitement of no more school assignments wears off we are once again faced with current reality. How are we going to do Summer Vacation in the middle of a Pandemic?

At this moment we should be camping in Colorado. The beginning of a multi-week vacation planned forever ago. Instead, we sit home and ask ourselves how do we parent well, how do we make awesome summer memories when so much has been canceled? Pools are closed, camps canceled and our once full summer calendar sits empty.

How do we transition from our grief over what should be to enjoying what is?

Truth, I have no idea but we’ll figure it out?

With information and guidelines rapidly changing we have decided to take summer planning one week at a time. Resources have been ordered and ideas pinned. Categories have been created to keep my boys somewhat busy. We shall see how long that lasts.

The list of home projects to tackle grows longer with each one checked off. So we know we can keep busy tackling to-do lists. Adventures await with unexplored parks, trails, and all the local must-see places, not yet seen.

Right now so much about what Summer should look like has been removed from the list of options. So we first acknowledge the loss of what was meant to be, grieve, and are sad. Then we recognize a new opportunity to Reimagine what Summer Fun can look like. To dig deep into our creative thinking or tap into the many resources of other awesome creative thinkers.

We will learn new music, sing new songs, dance more often. We will connect with our neighbors more as we play outside. We will run through sprinklers and make art on our driveway. We will create, we will build, we will learn, we will discover. Together we will make the most of Pandemic Summer Living!

2 thoughts on “Summer wasn’t meant to be this way….

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