The neighbors’ lawn is lush and green, while our lawn is decorated with dandelions and patches of brown. Clearly, we have some work to do when it comes to lawn maintenance.

Everywhere we look, it feels as if we have something we aren’t keeping up with in life. The question “how do they do it all?” has been asked more than once as we look at others’ accomplishments compared to our own.

The same neighbor with the green lawn has been gracious more than once, reminding us that we are not in the same season of life. They, as empty-nesters, can do things they never were able to do when in our season of parenting.

The grass is greener where you water it.

Long after listening to the Not My Story Podcast with guest Dr. Julia Hurlow the statement “the grass is greener where you water it” lingered. The grass is not the only thing that grows greener when watered. And while the struggle to look outward and compare is ongoing, this quote has become a reminder of a need to reflect. To transition from looking outward to paying attention to our personal watering habits.

How easy is it to look around us, comparing others’ accomplishments against the areas we feel lacking? Yet, everyone has the same number of hours in the same number of days. What is accomplished is not a matter of having more time, rather a matter of where we choose to spend the time. How we invest our time may also look different in the various seasons of our lives.

So when you look at your neighbors’ beautiful lawn, comparing it to your own, remember, different life seasons require you to water in different places. Where you are watering, that is what is growing. Rather than comparing our patchy grass to another lush green lawn, let’s spend our energy celebrating what in our lives is growing well and recognizing what might need more water.

Acknowledge and celebrate even the small things—notice where the grass is green and growing well in your life.

Reflecting on your current season of life ask yourself, where you need to water more?

  • Is your soul quenched?
  • Is your marriage parched?
  • Does your parenting feel like a desert island?
  • Has your home started to wither?
  • Are the water glasses your friends hold in need of filling?

Be so busy watering your own grass that you don’t notice
if someone else’s is greener.

Author Unknown