Maybe in defiance to all the anger and hate scrolling across my feeds and news media, the word LOVE has been rolling around over and over in my head. My heart has always desired to be someone who simply stated loved God and loved people. To me, it feels like two sides of the same coin. As a Jesus follower, it’s difficult to imagine living any other way. After all, Jesus lived and served in a very tangible way. He loved those that others often deemed unloveable.

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”

Mother Teresa

What could our world look like if we truly loved each other?

Not the romantic, butterflies in your stomach kinda love. But the kind of love that looks not at our own interests but to the interest of others. Agape love is about action, a choice to seek the well being of others. An unexpected, unselfish kind of love.

“Pure love is a willingness to give without a thought of receiving anything in return.”

Author unknown

Over the past year, I have spent a lot of time reflecting on what it looks like to live the one life we have well? Somedays feel impossible and overwhelming. Not only are we faced with normal day to day struggles we now have been thrown into pandemic life, racial inequity (not new but an awakened awareness), economic uncertainties, education challenges, politics, the list can go on and on. It’s easy when we are under stress when we are angry (even righteous anger) to act out with harshness and hateful tone. In an attempt to have our voices heard, it is easy to keep getting louder and louder, failing to listen in return. Failing to love, simply allowing ourselves to be driven by fear and anger.

Living a life driven by love does not mean we are not angry. I have found myself processing so much anger and sadness. Righteous anger drives us to act. And anger in and of itself is not wrong. Nor does it mean we are not loving well. We need to be angry over the injustice we see in this world. Anger has its place, but I also believe we can achieve so much more when we channel that anger through a heart that loves others.

Even if you are not someone who reads the bible you more than likely have heard the attributes of love found in 1 Corinthians. They are often quoted on cards and plaques.

Wow, what would the world look like if we could love like that?

To be clear just because we desire to love at this level it does not mean that we have to hold hands, sing songs, and agree with everyone ( side note: right now in the middle of pandemic life please avoid physical signs of affection, hugs, holding hands and even singing is unadvisable, sorry.) Yet, I truly believe that it is possible to love someone and disagree with them, politically, socially, religiously. It is possible to stand arm in arm (except in the middle of a pandemic) with a friend on one topic and believe differently on various other topics. So how do we seek to live a life aimed at loving others well? How do we follow Mother Teresa’s advice to ensure others leave happier for having spent time with us?

Like everything else worth investing in, there is no magic easy answer. It takes intentional living, two steps forward, knowing that we will mess up over and over. But the word intentional is important. We have to make a decision to love well, seeking nothing in return.

This world so desperately needs more people who desire to love others. We need lots of grace in this journey as we take baby steps moving forward in LOVE.

For me, those steps forward come with reminders and questions…….

Love is patient, kind…… Am I quick to listen, slow to speak, and when I speak are my words kind?

Love is not proud, envious or boastful ….. Have I checked my motivation for my actions? Do I know my why?

Love does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking ……….. Even if I disagree or am angry do my words, actions honor others, or are they self-seeking?

Love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs …….. Is my anger righteous anger over injustice and wrong or is it selfish, prideful anger? Am I willing to forgive as I have been forgiven?

Am I rejoicing, protecting, trusting, hoping, and not giving up?

Imagine a world where more people lived driven out of love for others, rather than a love of just what serves themselves. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and dare to imagine.

It is beautiful!

“Recieve the love given to us through Jesus and then give it back out to others, creating an ecosystem of other focused, self-given love. That is the new testament meaning of agape love.”

Taken from The Bible Project video on Agape Love