Reflections on the Opposing Sides of Comfort.

I’ve been wrestling with comfort, defining and understanding a healthy approach to comfort. Google comfort, and you are likely to find quotes and articles about stepping out of your comfort zone in order to achieve greatness. Article after article will tell you that living in your comfort zone keeps you in a mental state that…

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The Art of Noticing Without Judgement

From managing adults to teaching tiny humans, observation was an essential technique taught throughout my working life. The concept behind observation is taking time to notice and record specific events, recognizing work well done, and noting areas that further coaching might be of value. I had never considered that observation also included making a judgment…

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How To Change The World Without Leaving Your Home – The Advocate.

An advocate, defined as a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy, is something I’ve never considered myself. I am slow to speak publically on causes. I’m not particularly eager to get into messy debates, and while I am not passive or unopinionated in person, I preferred the role of peacemaker….

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Parenting is better surrounded by community.

Early on in my parenting journey one of my aunts said something that truly impacted my parenting style. I’m not sure she realized the impact her casual comment would make, stating it more as a personal reflection on what she wished she had done differently. She cautioned me not to correct my child’s behavior because…

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How do we seek to live a life aimed at loving others well?

Maybe in defiance to all the anger and hate scrolling across my feeds and news media, the word LOVE has been rolling around over and over in my head. My heart has always desired to be someone who simply stated loved God and loved people. To me, it feels like two sides of the same…

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