My classroom sits empty, stuck in time as if it’s still March 5th, 2020. We said our goodbyes, headed off to enjoy Spring Break, never to return this school year. Quickly home office spaces we’re set up. New technologies were learned and we took on our new reality.

Virtual Learning.

This virtual learning has not been an easy adjustment. For many teachers not only have they been teaching their students virtually, but they are also parenting/teaching their own children at home. This is a next to impossible task, no matter how much education, skill, or knowledge you have. As Mom or Dad you will NEVER know the right way to do it. Because “my teacher doesn’t do it that way” and “that’s not how we do it at school” will always trump any attempt you make to help.

Yet, we survived the last few months and I’d like to think we did so pretty well all things considered.

Now comes the end of school goodbyes and once again we face a new way of doing things. The end of school normally full of field trips, concerts, classroom parties, field days, and all the best memory-making moments crept upon us as if it were just any other day. But teachers would have none of that. Zoom parties with crazy themes, drive-thru graduations, bus parades, reverse parades popped up and have taken their new year-end place. We waved our goodbyes from 6 ft apart with loud cheers and smiles under masks, while inside our hearts broke.

At some point we will go back to our classrooms, some already have. We will take down the March Calendar and put away the name tags and not yet used classroom supplies. We will remove all the art projects left hanging on the walls. And we will grieve.

We will grieve for the moments we lost these past few months.

We will grieve for the hardest ever end of school year goodbyes.

We will grieve for a future unknown when it comes to pandemic life and teaching.

Until now we have stayed so strong and but that strength fades into exhaustion.

Thank You is not enough, but it needs to be said. Thank You to all the teachers out there who have stepped up to do the unimaginable. You have transitioned to virtual learning like pros. Thank you for going above and beyond to care not only for your student’s educational needs but often making sure they had the resources they needed and cared for emotionally. We Appreciate you. Now let’s rest up, re-energize so we can take on whatever else kinda crazy 2020 decides to throw our way.

End of School Year Good-bye Poem

The school year has now ended,
But not in the normal way.
We had to suddenly say goodbye,
Much to our dismay.

These last few months didn’t look as planned,
Our hearts grew very sad.
Sometimes we were even angry,
Our playdates had been banned.

I’m thankful for the time we had
I’ve come to love you so.
I’m proud of how you’ve learned this year,
It’s been so fun to watch you grow.

Remember all the fun we had,
The special memories made this year.
The extra special storytimes,
Even for Zoom meetings, we began to cheer.

But most of all remember,
How talented you are.
How very smart and special
You will go so very far.

Remember that I love you,
And that I always will.
You are my very special friend,
To know you is my thrill.

Until we meet again,
Be Brave
Be Kind

Be You!

The poem I wrote for my students – Covid-19 End of School Year 2020

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